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Date : 1997-03-01
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Rating : 4.0
Reviews : 4
Category : Book

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Reclaiming Higher Ground Creating Organizations that ~ Once again my friend and mentor Lance Secretan has captured the essence of transformational leadership in this book on creating organizations that inspire the soul Building on his idea of reclaiming the higher ground Lance provides many tips on how to create an organization that really thrives
Reclaiming Higher Ground Building Organizations That ~ Reclaiming Higher Ground is a book about hope Reclaiming Higher Ground is a must read There is nothing more important today than creating organizations that inspire the soul
Reclaiming Higher Ground Creating Organizations that ~ Based on Lance Secretan’s worldwide bestseller Reclaiming Higher Ground Creating Organizations that Inspire the Soul this presentation inspires a new way to think about leadership and work The vast majority of people are deeply dissatisfied with their work lives and this affects the bottom line
Reclaiming Higher Ground Creating Organizations That ~ In Reclaiming Higher Ground Lance Secretan one of todays most soughtafter speakers on corporate survival presents a provocative prescription for change that puts heart and soul back into the workplace without sacrificing business values productivity or profit 10 illustrations
Customer reviews Reclaiming Higher Ground ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Reclaiming Higher Ground Creating Organizations that Inspire the Soul at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
Reclaiming higher ground creating organizations that ~ Reclaiming higher ground creating organizations that inspire the soul Lance H K Secretan Secretan gives the reader guidance in working in todays work places while maintaining humanity His counsel to begin with the recognition that you are a soul who needs care and feeding and that your
Reclaiming higher ground creating organizations that ~ Get this from a library Reclaiming higher ground creating organizations that inspire the soul Lance H K Secretan Writing to todays stressedout businessperson Secretan says Imagine yourself standing on higher ground This higher ground is built on trust and integrity Secretan presents a convincing case
Lance Secretans Reclaiming Higher Ground ~ Based on Lance Secretans worldwide bestseller Reclaiming Higher Ground Creating Organizations that Inspire the Soul this presentation inspires a new way to think about leadership and work
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