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Date : 1997-09-22
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Coral reef Wikipedia ~ A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reefbuilding are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium coral reefs are built from stony corals whose polyps cluster in groups Coral belongs to the class Anthozoa in the animal phylum Cnidaria which includes sea anemones and sea anemones corals secrete hard carbonate
Coral reef geology Britannica ~ A coral reef is actually a complex of features only part of which is a living coral or algal framework although the other associated features result from this live segment The accumulations of carbonate sand and mud provide a habitat for sea grasses and mangroves and for almost inconspicuous bluegreen algal mats
Corals and Coral Reefs Smithsonian Ocean ~ Coral reefs are the most diverse of all marine ecosystems They teem with life with perhaps onequarter of all ocean species depending on reefs for food and shelter This is a remarkable statistic when you consider that reefs cover just a tiny fraction less than one percent of the earth’s surface and less than two percent of the ocean bottom
What Are Coral Reefs Coral Facts ~ Coral reefs are typically divided into four categories according to CORAL fringing reefs barrier reefs patch reefs and atolls Fringing reefs are the most commonly seen reef and grow near coastlines Barrier reefs differ from fringing reefs in that they are separated from the coastlines by deeper wider lagoons
NOAA CoRIS What are Coral Reefs ~ What are Coral Reefs Appearing as solitary forms in the fossil record more than 400 million years ago corals are extremely ancient animals that evolved into modern reefbuilding forms over the last 25 million years Coral reefs are unique the largest structures on earth of biological origin and complex systems
Coral reefs WWF ~ Coral reefs only occupy 01 of the area of the ocean but they support 25 of all marine species on the planet In fact the variety of life associated with coral reefs rivals that of the tropical forests of the Amazon or New Guinea Hundreds of millions of people rely on coral reefs for essential
Coral reef definition of coral reef by The Free Dictionary ~ coral reef A mound or ridge of coral skeletons and calcium carbonate deposits Coral reefs form in warm shallow sea waters and provide food and shelter to a wide variety of fish and invertebrates They also protect shores against erosion by causing large waves to break and lose some of their force before reaching land
Coral Reef Definition of Coral Reef by MerriamWebster ~ Coral reef definition is a long line of coral that lies in warm shallow water
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