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Date : 1997-08-22
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Rating : 3.5
Reviews : 27
Category : Book

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Networking with the Affluent Thomas Stanley ~ Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors offers a proven method for reaching the affluent through their affinity groups and using that association to increase sales billable hours and client base
Networking with the Affluent by Thomas J Stanley ~ Networking with the affluent is a great case study for how to improve relationships build trust and loyalty with any client regardless of their level of wealth A great read and although most of the scenarios are given within the context of the financial services field I found that it was easy enough to relate to them and and adapt them to my own business as a service provider in the entertainment industry
Networking with the Affluent and their ~ Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors offers a proven method for reaching the affluent through their affinity groups and using that association to increase sales billable hours and client base
How to network with the affluent The Business Journals ~ Many people are intimidated by approaching affluent or powerful potential contacts but it turns out that the wealthy are often downtoearth and eager to speak with you Theyre often
Networking With The Affluent And Their Advisors by Thomas ~ Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors offers a proven method for reaching the affluent through their affinity groups and using that association to increase sales billable hours and client base
Networking with the Affluent book by Thomas J Stanley ~ In Networking with the Affluent Dr Stanley discusses SEVERAL methods of establishing productive relationships with your target prospect group and their ing is NOT trading names or client lists with every salesperson you meet These methods are not restricted to finding affluent clients
Networking with the Affluent ~ ‘Tom Stanley’s ideas regarding Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors have produced strengthened relationships throughout our multinational accounts The bottom line is increased customer loyalty our most precious asset’
Networking with the Affluent Thomas Stanley Gravitas ~ Networking with the Affluent – Thomas Stanley The most powerful way to network is to enhance the revenue of opinion leaders Realize that before receiving businessrelated endorsements you must first “send business” Cultivate the endorsement of key opinion leaders
Affluent Business Network ~ Affluent Business Network ABN is a category specific business networking referral group We have the traditional referral networking attributes you love and not the ones you dont The network to increase your net worth
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