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Date : 1997-09-22
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Tundra facts and information National Geographic ~ The Arctic tundra where the average temperature is 30 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit 34 to 6 degrees Celsius supports a variety of animal species including Arctic foxes polar bears gray wolves
Arctic Tundra Kidzone ~ The arctic tundra is the coldest and driest place on the planet In the tundra the fall and spring seasons are basically nonexistent leaving only two seasons—winter and summer Winter – The winter season is incredibly long about 8 months Since the arctic tundra is very close to the north pole the nights are very long
tundra Definition Climate Animals Facts Britannica ~ Tundra Tundra a major zone of treeless level or rolling ground found in cold regions mostly north of the Arctic Circle Arctic tundra or above the timberline on high mountains alpine tundra
Arctic tundra Britannica ~ In tundra …of the Arctic Circle Arctic tundra or above the timberline on high mountains alpine tundra Tundra is known for large stretches of bare ground and rock and for patchy mantles of low vegetation such as mosses lichens herbs and small shrubs This surface supports a meagre but unique variety…
Tundra Wikipedia ~ Arctic tundra occurs in the far Northern Hemisphere north of the taiga belt The word tundra usually refers only to the areas where the subsoil is permafrost or permanently frozen soil It may also refer to the treeless plain in general so that northern Sápmi would be included
The tundra biome ~ Arctic tundra is located in the northern hemisphere encircling the north pole and extending south to the coniferous forests of the taiga The arctic is known for its cold desertlike conditions The growing season ranges from 50 to 60 days
Arctic Tundra Animals Animal Sake ~ The caribou a domesticated animal from the Arctic tundra region is also known as reindeer The caribou belongs to deer family antlers are the specialty of this creature The brown coat of the caribou turns lighter in summer season and vice versa in winter The animal possesses short legs and is sturdy
Major Plants Animals in the Arctic Tundra Sciencing ~ The Arctic tundra is home to another magnificent land predator the gray wolf sometimes called the timber wolf There are two distinct subspecies of the gray wolf in the Arctic The snowwhite Arctic wolf which has a shorter muzzle and smaller ears to conserve body heat and the browntogray tundra wolf
Canadian Arctic tundra Wikipedia ~ The Canadian Arctic tundra is a biogeographic designation for Northern Canada s terrain generally lying north of the tree line or boreal forest that corresponds with the Scandinavian Alpine tundra to the east and the Siberian Arctic tundra to the west inside the circumpolar tundra belt of the Northern Hemisphere
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