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Date : 1997-03-22
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Swamp Definition of Swamp by MerriamWebster ~ Examples of swamp in a Sentence Noun Alligators live in the lowland swamps be careful in the swamp because alligators sometimes lurk there Verb The sea level rose and swamped the coastal villages The boat sank after it was swamped by waves
Swamp Wikipedia ~ A swamp is a wetland that is forested Swamps are considered to be transition zones because both land and water play a role in creating this environment The water of a swamp may be fresh water brackish water or seawater
Swamp definition of swamp by The Free Dictionary ~ swamp swŏmp swômp n 1 a An area of lowlying land that is frequently flooded especially one dominated by woody plants b A lowland region saturated with water 2 A situation or place fraught with difficulties and imponderables a financial swamp v swamped swamp·ing swamps 1 To drench in or cover with or as if with water 2 To
swamp National Geographic Society ~ A swamp is an area of land permanently saturated or filled with water Many swamps are even covered by water There are two main types of swamps freshwater swamps and saltwater swamps Swamps are dominated by trees
Swamp Synonyms Swamp Antonyms MerriamWebster Thesaurus ~ 2 a difficult puzzling or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape with her credit cards maxed out and the making of minimum payments a challenge debt seemed to be an everdeepening swamp Synonyms for swamp
swamp Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary ~ swamp verb T COVER WITH WATER to cover a place or thing with a large amount of water The boat was swamped by an enormous wave swamp verb T BE TOO MUCH
Swamp wetland Britannica ~ Swamp wetland ecosystem characterized by mineral soils with poor drainage and by plant life dominated by trees The latter characteristic distinguishes a swamp from a marsh in which plant life consists largely of grasses Swamps are found throughout the world
Swamp Synonyms Swamp Antonyms ~ Synonyms for swamp at with free online thesaurus antonyms and definitions Find descriptive alternatives for swamp
The Swamp Washingtons Murky Pool of Corruption and ~ The Swamp Washingtons Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can Drain It Eric Bolling on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The Instant New York Times and USA Today Bestseller When Washington was first built
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